“How Not to Die” by Michael Greger, MD, is a comprehensive guide to living a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition. The book delves into the scientific research surrounding various diseases and how diet plays a crucial role in preventing and even reversing them.


The book begins by discussing the importance of nutrition in preventing chronic diseases and how the majority of deaths in the United States can be attributed to just a handful of these diseases. Dr. Greger also highlights the shortcomings of the current healthcare system, which focuses primarily on treating symptoms rather than preventing and reversing diseases through lifestyle changes.

Chapter 1: The Role of Diet in Preventing and Reversing Disease

In chapter one, Dr. Greger explores the scientific evidence behind the link between diet and chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. He also discusses the importance of whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, in maintaining good health and preventing disease.

Chapter 2: The Daily Dozen

In chapter two, Dr. Greger introduces the “Daily Dozen,” a list of the twelve foods that he believes are essential for optimal health. These include: beans, berries, other fruits, cruciferous vegetables, greens, other vegetables, flaxseeds, nuts, spices, whole grains, and beverages (water, tea, and coffee). He also explains the reasoning behind each food group’s inclusion and the recommended daily serving size.

Chapter 3: The Role of Meat and Dairy in Disease

In chapter three, Dr. Greger delves into the research surrounding the consumption of meat and dairy products and their link to chronic diseases. He cites studies that have shown a correlation between a high intake of these foods and an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and other health problems. He also discusses the environmental impact of the meat and dairy industry and the ethical considerations of consuming animal products.

Chapter 4: The Importance of Whole Foods

In chapter four, Dr. Greger emphasizes the importance of consuming whole foods, rather than processed foods, in maintaining good health. He explains that processed foods often lack the essential nutrients found in whole foods and can be high in unhealthy ingredients such as added sugar and saturated fat. He also provides tips for incorporating more whole foods into one’s diet.

Chapter 5: The Role of Supplements and Medications

In chapter five, Dr. Greger discusses the use of supplements and medications in preventing and treating chronic diseases. He explains that while some supplements may be beneficial, they should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet. He also cautions against the overuse of medications and the potential side effects they can have.


In conclusion, “How Not to Die” provides a comprehensive look at the role of nutrition in preventing and reversing chronic diseases. Through a thorough examination of scientific research, Dr. Greger makes a compelling case for the benefits of a plant-based diet and the importance of whole foods in maintaining good health. He also provides practical tips for incorporating healthy foods into one’s diet and offers a “Daily Dozen” list of the twelve foods he believes are essential for optimal health.

  1. Greger, Michael. How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease. Flatiron Books, 2015.
  2. American Cancer Society. “Cancer Facts and Figures 2020.” cancer.org, accessed January 26, 2023.
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Chronic Disease Overview.” cdc.gov, accessed January 26, 2023.
  4. World Health Organization. “Noncommunicable Diseases.” who.int, accessed January 26, 2023.
  5. Some research for this article compiled with the assistance of ChatGPT/OpenAI
  6. Learn more about VeganWire here.


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